Real brides

I'd like to introduce a long overdue strand to this blog.  I'd like to ask former By Harriet brides to share a little about their special day with you all, and offer a few words of wisdom along the way.   I love seeing pictures of brides after the big day, it is a great feeling seeing your work in action, and just generally having a good old nosy.

There are several of you who are already on the list to contact, who've expressed interest.  If you would like to join in, then just drop me an email to  The more the merrier!  It doesn't matter if you got married yesterday or 15 years ago (there is the odd By Harriet bride who will have reached that wedding anniversary).

You don't need to write heaps but simply to follow the headings I'll be using together with some images (for which I will need your photographers details if professional ones). If there is something you'd love to tell that doesn't quite fit the format, worry not. I'm quite relaxed about things as I'm sure you'll know.

I thought I'd experiment with the format this first time by "interviewing" myself and sharing details of my day, 19 years ago on a cold wet and windy June day, not so very different to today as I look out of the window.

My post will be up shortly so pop back for a nosy.

Until later

Harriet x